Buy organic Cosmetic products
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Our organic cotton sanitary pads and pantyliners are made by 100% GOTS certified organic cotton, sanitary pads from many of the best known brands contain something called SAPs, which stands for Super Absorbent Polymers and that is very harmful for the intimate skin health, Leona Brava only uses 100% organic cotton both on the top sheet and also for the absorbent core, the entire product does not contain wood pulp, toxic plastics, and chlorine.
It's also completely plastic free.
Organic cotton is super soft for the skin, highly breathable and hypoallergenic, ideal for the sensitive skin. 99% of women who used Leona Brava sanitary pads reported a decrease in skin irritation.

Une huile sèche multi-usages pour le corps, le visage et les cheveux.
Très riche en
-vitamines A
-Vitamine E
-Acides gras insaturés
-acide oléique
elle nourrit et hydrate la peau et les cheveux en profondeur
Soulage les démangeaisons des peaux sèches,
réduit visiblement l’acné, les vergetures et les cicatrices.
Elle possède la propriété unique de ne pas devenir rance
Odeur de noisettes naturelle. Aucun additif, conservateur ou parfum n’est ajouté.
We have a very nice range of products: creams, salts, mud, shampoo, hair masks, massage oils... for both retail and professional uses.

Le Laboratoire GRAVIER a développé la gamme AREUH EN BIO pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de la peau fragile des bébés. Sur bases ultra-douces 100 % végétales, cette gamme a été formulée pour la toilette quotidienne et le soin des bébés. Elle utilise des actifs BIO rigoureusement sélectionnés, qui respectent la peau des bébés, et sont reconnus pour leurs vertus apaisantes et protectrices.

Napta Ltd is a leading UK importer and distributor of specialty natural products, aim to provide both Healthy foods for the retail grocery, and natural raw materials for the cosmetic sector. We are passionate about sourcing and distributing some of the world’s finest authentic, healthy natural products. Working with our sister company in the Sudan helps us ensure sourcing the best quality products consistently. Our accreditation program to some of our products range, ensure that our natural products are meeting international standard.
We strive to be a partner of choice for many prestigious food retailers/cosmetic manufactures, we offer an unparalleled selection of products including, Baobab Oil, Sesame Oil, Dates, Baobab Powder, Moringa Oil…etc
Natural 24 carat gold moisturising cream for women.
This light moisturising cream delivers soothing moisture for fresh healthy looking radiant skin, with ingredients derived from natural plants and oils infused with 24 carat gold.
This cream replenishes the skin looking instantly rejuvenated and vibrant, which naturally balances as imperfections fades and restored to its healthiest condition.
This daily moisturiser nourishes your skin for 24 hours.
Formulated for all skin types, including delicate and sensitive skin.
Made in UK. 50ml 1.7 floz

We offer 100% pure certified bulk argan oil witch is certified by Ecocert & US NOP.